How To Block A Phone Number On IPhone 5
You use your phone to make calls, talk to your dear ones, video chat with friends and for many other aspects. But you must have come across many calls that you receive from unknown numbers which do not belong to your friends, family members and known ones. These calls do harass us a lot and so with the advancements of technology, a lot of devices have the facility to block such numbers.
Now, if you are an iPhone 5 user, you are entitled to block such numbers easily no matter they are unknown numbers, telemarketers, prank calls or spam text messages. Check out the below discussions to know about the procedure to use the built-in feature of iOs to block a phone number.
Best ways Block a Phone Number on iPhone 5
1. The carrier of your device may be capable of blocking individual numbers as AT&T accompanies an additional feature named as Smart Limits for Wireless available for $4.99 per month. The most interesting thing is that it is capable of blocking up to 30 numbers at once which is quite amazing.
With no additional charges, Verizon Wireless grants Spam Control and this is the feature that you can find under My Services when you log in into your own account. This facilitates you to block up to 5 numbers not enabling them to call you or text you.
2. If you are an owner of a jailbroken iPhone, you can carry out the installation of apps from the Cydia Store enabling you to block such disturbing phone numbers. The iBlacklist feature is completely friendlyto all the iOS devices and iOS 6 platform.
3. You just need to pay $12 and you get the iBlacklistwhich facilitates with a surfeit of many amazing features to your device which includes the capability to block texts and calls.
4. There is an update rolled out for MobileLog and is presently in progress. This is likely to be made available for sale the owners of jailbroken iPhones. This accompanies a lot of advancements to the stock app and facilitates blocking of numbers.
5. If you register the number of your iPhone to the National Do Not Call Registry, telemarketers will stop calling you and this will be activated within 31 days. You can also lodge complaints making use of the same website along with phone number registrations.
6. Another thing to do is assign a silent ringtone to the numbers that disturb you and by this things will be less bothersome for you. You can do the same for texts if there is a facility and remember, iPhone does not accompany a silent ringtone by default but what you can do is install and configure a silent ringtone type for particular numbers.
7. You can also make use of TrapCall or any other such services starting with a price of $3.95 per month. For this, you do not have to install any iPhone app but the only thing to do is sign up the TrapCalland it will block the numbers making them blacklisted.
So these are the best ways in which you can block the unknown numbers that disturb you or irritate you on your iPhone 5.